Monday, July 27, 2009
the reason i HIT the GYM ...

Saturday, July 25, 2009
the HUSBAND type...

So, what qualifies a dude, as the HUSBAND type? The type of guy you are ready to settle down with, introduce to mom, and raise some little ones with?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This dude is aging very well. Makes we wonder, 'what am I doing to make sure I maintain?' I am admittedly a DUDE when is comes to beauty tips. I have no idea what can be done to keep a youthful glow. Heck, I am usually guy that forgets to put on lotion. Yes, yes... I do get ashy... SO WHAT! The only thing I can say that I do with regularity is a face scrub. Besides that I workout and do a little manscaping from time to time. But have beautiful friends who tell me their beauty regime consist of a whole lot more. I mean, how do they find the time? Ummm... so I need a little help in the beauty department. Luckily I live in the age of the internet. One quick search on google and I am instantly taken to a variety of shopping sites and youtube videos with a focus on male grooming. THANKS capitalism for giving me a poor self image for free, but then allowing me to buy 'good looks' for ridiculous prices. *smile*Opps... I meant *totally unnatural ultra white smile with capped teeth*
Monday, July 20, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dumped... again...

So I recently asked my EX if he wanted to get back together. DENIED. Ouch, right? Well it wasn’t that bad. He was the fella that initiated the breakup… so his eventual response was not a huge surprise.
Don’t get me wrong.. I am not desperately in love. I do love him- but we have been out of a relationship for a while. I think what I really wanted from asking – was CLOSURE. Not to boast or anything (ummm, but this IS my blog).. but I get approached all the time. I don’t claim to be phine… or special… I am just in ATLANTA! **Nuff said** But I felt like my chapter with ‘Rome’ had not come to an end. Ever feel like you are stuck reading the same paragraph over and over again in a book? Oh well… yesterday Rome finally forced me to turn the page. He told me that he loved me, but that he would not be able to give me what I wanted -- house… kids…matching motorcycles…-- and I agreed. We have loved each other for years, but we have been aware of our different paths for years too.
At this point, I feel a little lighter. Its easier to move forward when less baggage is holding you back (notice the ‘less’…indicates there is still some there).
Oh, and just because I am more emotionally available doesn’t mean tat I am trying to date. Nah, .. still just working on me. Trust me… it’s a real PROJECT *wink*
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
the 7eventh...

So its the seventh... the one day in the month that is always dedicated to ME. Everyone should make sure to take out some time for themselves occasionally. I try to do it on the regular, but with my schedule- it can be difficult at times. Terrible excuse. But, with that said, I make sure to pick out a pocket of time for Twisted (myself) every SEVENTH of the month.