It is just a bit past the halfway mark on my '2 month workout/improvement plan.'
Just to recap: A friend is away for two months on a military assignment. I am attempting to use his return as a finishline for some self improvement goals. He is gonna come back all shiny and new, --- so why cant i have my 'shine' on? ;)
I must say, the time had flown by. Unfortunately, i dont feel i have been productive as i could have been in the last month. My workout hasnt fallen off, but it hasnt picked up either. #GROAN. Basically, i have simply been consistent. I am not discounting what i have done, but I KNOW, i can do better. So..... I WILL.
The plan going forward is to kick it into HIGH gear. I know i can increase my intensity for a month- and see some gains. Last night i visited bodybuilding.com to look at workout routine options. I am planning on doing a 4 day split. I will give this a shot, and see how it feels. I am also planning to hit a vitamin shoppe, and check if there is anything on the market i should be trying. I am not a gym rat, but i dont see the harm in knowing what workout supplements are available. I am already on a protein shake that I like, but i wanna know what else could be beneficial.
Another part of that '2 month plan' was in make improvements to myself in general. I have made some gains there, but there is still a lot i feel like i could be doing. But i gotta be honest, my plan to budget .. str8 FAILED! Between ebay, groupon, Alvin Ailey tickets, and just my usual shenanigans-- my so-called 'budget' was non-existent. I know, i know.. i am already beating myself up about it as the credit card bills roll in. Dont get the wrong impression, I dont OVERSPEND (a bruh aint crazy ;), but the point was to 'underspend' in an effort build up the reserve #daddy needs a new condo;)
Now, I am about to get these motorcycle lessons on groupon, then thats it, i am putting the platinum card away... Atleast until macy's one day sale. #hey,atleastiamhonest.
...and yes, your read correctly...PLATINUM... LOL *its funny, cause its true*
On a positive note, my friend and i have exchanged several handwritten letters since he has been gone. Its kinda wild. Who the heck handwrites a letter these days??! UMmm.. seriously. For me, its been years.
Well that is where i stand now. I hope to have some bigger and better news at the end of the 2 months. Fingers-crossed.