Monday, March 1, 2010

the Renewal...

Something about this picture symbolizes 'RENEWAL'.

Cutting away the 'old' to make room for the 'NEW'. Renewal can be empowering, but there is something very vulnerable about leaving the new exposed. The old was comfortable. You were comfortable with it, your friends were comfortable with it-- it is easy to sustain what is already in place. But to break away and take on a different direction is the exact opposite of comfort. You are instantly thrown into a new place- that requires effort, and the ability to adapt. The people that surround you may reject it all together.

'Sustaining a routine', becomes developing a plan. Moreover, there is no guarantee of the end result.

Why do we sustain? Because we are fully aware of the outcome. But what keeps people in fear of breaking into the 'new'? It is the fear of the unknown.

Time to face MY fears....

**hear the rumble of MY clippers?

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