so.. just recently i did some thinking about my previous relationships. A sort of 'who's who' in my dating history. Turns out... i get around.
So i have dated...
The powerful business executive
The ex ball player
The school teacher
The thug-type HUSTLER
The Doctor
The Salesman
The retail King
The nympho
The nympho's best friend (*sigh...long story)
The Pastor (and no... definitely NOT that one)
The Artist
uMMmmm.. in my defense- some of these titles/dudes, overlap. I mean.. i get around, but heck.. i am only 28.... 27... 26... umm... in my late twenties ;)
But with these men, clearly labeled and filed in away in my history-- it makes me wonder-- 'what was i, on their list?' I mean, it sounds strange-- but the answers could be VERY different depending on the time of the relationship. Was I the hot co-ed? the Comic book geek? the undercover freak with the toy chest? The all round good guy? The guy who believed everything you told him? The goodie goodie? The boy with the mysterious past? The big dreamer? The Bank manager? The guy who always wanted it with the lights off? The guy who always wanted the lights ON (hey, people change)...
As i continue thru my development- i reflect on what I once was... and visualize what I WILL become. I like to think the dual focus keeps me from treading water and remaining static. I am constantly looking for change and progression. In truth, I feel as though i am in competition with my ex's. I mean, dont we all wanna show an EX, that he made a terrible mistake letting you slip away? Am I the only one that feels that way? I dont wish any of them ill will-- in fact I am friends with many of the people from my past-- but still, when they pull up MY file while reflecting on their past... i want it to be labeled... 'THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY'..