Where has the time gone? In three months, 2010 will be throwing up the deuces and making room for 2011. At times like these, I tend to take stock on what i have (and have not) accomplished within the last year. The annual GOALS LIST moves from the desk drawer to the refrigerator door--- TIME TO PUT IT IN GEAR.
This year, unfortunately, I have several items that I have not made good on... but dont count me out yet. In high school i was notorious for writing 'A+' papers the night before the due date. Its not something I am proud of, but the good grades speak for themselves. I dont claim to THRIVE under pressure... but i DO NOT CRACK under pressure.
So I have a couple of very LARGE tasks populating my list, and right now it is slightly intimidating. Nothing that a winning lottery ticket couldnt fix...*giggles*... but in lieu, I will be budgeting harder and concentrating my focus. Which I am certain will make for an.... interesting... holiday season. Hmm.... i hope no one feels weird about receiving homemade macaroni-style xmas cards from a grown man...;)