Monday, April 29, 2013

welcome to the DARK SIDE...

...if the villains had won

"LIVE long enough to see yourself become a VILLAIN... *sniff sniff* i smell a massacre."

-MONSTER by Kayne feat Jay and Nicki

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Came across this sexy tag team while watching Sunday morning wrestling. These pics don't do the duo justice-- but you get the idea. 

Take a look #OVERLOAD

Monday, April 22, 2013

@ letter 2 my EX

Dear EX, 

I just wanted to say 'Thank You'. Because of you, I was able to break through some very thick walls. And though you hurt me, scars heal and pain eventually fades. But the LESSONS I have learned, still remain. 

I came into our relationship knowing that I wanted something new. Knowing that the same behaviors would only yield the same results. This time, I was a different man...

I told you that 'I loved you' without abandon.
I told you secrets without skepticism.

All along, I knew that "WE" were a bit of an experiment. And though it didn't result in a happily ever after, I am strangely satisfied with the knowledge I have gained. 

*should shrug* 

So while my close friends are still referring to you as 'that D-Bag' ... I just wanted to sneak you a short Thank You note, nonetheless. 

(a better)ME


Sunday, April 21, 2013

COUNTing down the days..


looks like we got a live one on our hands... #teamsmiths

Friday, April 19, 2013


rockCANDY, because sometimes you want some of that RAW sugar that attacks your SWEET TOOTH. yumm... let's dig in!!


 "i'mma sucka for a pretty smile".....**fans self**

**bites bottom lip**

**slowly licks lips**
