Thursday, April 11, 2013

because I STILL believe (reVEAL)

my blog's version of a GLITTER BOMB... *poof*

 (^ something is so sweet and about that pic )

Despite my better judgement and rational thinking-- I STILL BELIEVE. He is out there. My right brain tells me that I have simply streamed too many chick flicks thru netflix, while my left brain tells me he will be the next bright smile I see framed by full lips and a shadow beard. 

Sometimes I wonder what he is up to. I wonder if he will appreciate pop art, comic books, and a speculative stock portfolio as much as I do. I wonder if he will quickly get tired of the two meals I am good at cooking (especially since one of those meals is Cookie Crisp cereal;). I wonder if we will argue about religion and politics. I wonder if he will freak out about my lifelong obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I wonder if he will be a huge LAKERS fan (because any alternative would suck). I wonder if he will push me to finally write down that screen play rolling around in my head. I wonder...

I wonder.. if he will ever read this... 


  1. You make me believe he is out there for you as well :)

  2. I think you need to join some gay groups in your town. aint you in atlanta?
