So, it is nearing the end of the summer and i am just now catching the FEVER. I am not completely in love with the idea of seriously dating a guy (i still have some unresolved issues) but the idea of FLIRTING has captured my interest. However, that leaves me with a serious problem--I have no real idea how to flirt.
Seduction has never been a strong suit of mine. I dont have GAME, per say. I dont have a killer physical attribute that i can flaunt in a wife beater (sooo sexist, right?) or god forbid ... skinny jeans (i hate those d@mn pants). From what I have been told, my ability to seduce lies in my PERSONALITY. Great. I am such a cool, smart, and funny dude. Awesome, right?!! NO... *groan*... its kinda not.
Sorry kid, but being all bubbly doesnt compete with a phat ass in the club.
Lets just be real. I mean... i can be as quick witted as humanly possible, carry on a conversation about Obama's impact on the nation's economy or the latest episode of the Cleveland Show... And dont get me started on the LAKERS...we can talk about 2011's NBA champions all day;) But in the grand scheme of seducing- this is no help.
To clarify, in the bedroom- there is no problem to speak of (please see the previous post where i mentioned costumes, role play, the toy chest at the foot of my bed... yes...i said toy CHEST;). But the skill to lure a man into the bedroom, is a bit undeveloped.
In the same vein as growing as a person and developing good habits; i am interested in developing my SEDUCTIVE PROWESS. Ummm ... or in other words, stepping up my HOE game...lol. Wish me luck.