Myron Rolle.. the dashingly handsome.
Myron Rolle.. the rhodes scholar
Myron Rolle.. the philanthropist
....and now, Myron Rolle the NFL draft pick.
And now... full grown.
Seriously? I mean, he is really walking around breathing and what not? Not just some character in an E. Lynn Harris novel? *Miss you Prof. Harris*
Now, this may have been a little premature, but I have made a couple of calls and I am thinking... a fall ceremony would be nice. I hate wearing suits in the summer time. *smile*
Reality check: I am not going to go into how cute our babies would be (but they would be hella cute) or how sexy this dude is on the surface (just as chocolate as he wanna be)-- but on the real.. he is ENCOURAGING. It is good to know that there are brothers out there who are breaking down stereotypes. Brothers out there who have the bigger picture in mind and tenacity to bring it to fruition. His story reassures me that WE CAN have it all as black men, despite the what mainstream wants me to believe. Not only do i want 'that' on my arm, i wanna be 'that'.
Thanks for the INSPIRATION Myron.
oh and Myron, dont forget to call the caterers, they need our decision on the cake by next Wednesday *wink*